
Pajeri nanas (pineapple curry)

Kidney and liver rice wine vermicelli noodle soup 腰肝麵線

Beijing Pizza 韭菜糊餅

Fried nian gao (egg fried sticky rice cake)

CNY Day Seven Auspicious food (人日 七菜羹)

Soy Sauce Poached Chicken 豉油雞 and Master Sauce 鹵水

Buddha's Delight or Monk's Vegetables 羅漢齋

Celebrate CNY Eve with Fu gui Ji 富貴雞, aka Beggar Chicken

Happy Tiger New Year

Red bean and coconut sticky rice cake 椰汁紅豆年糕

Crunchy peanut crescents 油角仔

New Year Rice Cake 年糕

Candied lotus seeds 糖蓮子

Chinese dumplings - Jiaozi 餃子